Saturday, November 30, 2013

The first return

Hello fellow spelunkers.  We made a trip back to the capsule on 11/22/2013.  I was pleased to find that people have found and signed the capsule!  It is still in the original location down the second rope, and visible from the hole in the floor.  Again we brought our own  gear to reach it, but the other ropes are still there.  Don't forget to post here if you reached the capsule!

John C

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Capsule location

Sorry the picture is very large.  There is a lot of detail in it, and shoutout to James at for creating it.  I didn't know his site existed until today.  Pretty much the same idea as this blog.

The capsule is (at least when we left it) visible from the hole in the floor.  There are some old ropes there which we used before and were fine, but after that we brought our own ropes for safety.  Let me know if you still can't find it!

Monday, May 6, 2013

The beginning


If you're reading this, chances are you found our capsule in the J4 cave in central PA.  It is a great cave to go exploring, and if you are daring enough to venture down the second rope you will find our capsule.  I built it in April 2013, and place it there on April 20th, 2013.  I made this blog site if anyone wanted to share experiences or find other caves to explore.  "The book of the chosen ones" is a time capsule and an experiment to see how many people reach the depths of the J4 cave.  I hope when I return to it many years from now, it will be full of names and interesting quotes.

John C